
IOC President Bach Condemns Kabul Attack

By IOC Media

From IOC President Thomas Bach:

“I learnt with great sadness and horror today of the brutal attack on a wrestling centre in the Afghan capital, Kabul, that has left more than 20 people dead and dozens wounded.  I strongly condemn this cowardly attack on young people and on sport. The young wrestlers were there as part of a peaceful competition, and this is a direct attack on sport itself and its values. Their deaths go straight to our hearts, and these innocent victims and their friends and loved ones are in our thoughts this evening. We mourn together with them, and I would like to express our deepest sympathy and condolences, from me personally and from the entire Olympic Movement.

The International Olympic Committee, together with United World Wrestling, has already begun to explore the best ways to offer immediate help and assistance to all those affected."


UWW to test new Greco rule at 2025 European Championships

By United World Wrestling Press

CORSIER-SUR-VEVEY, Switzerland (March 28) -- United World Wrestling Technical Commission has approved the testing of a Greco-Roman rule change at the European Championships next month.

According to the new rule in Greco-Roman, in case a bout ends 1-1, victory will be awarded to the wrestler who scored the first point. This modification will be implemented exclusively in Greco-Roman and will apply only to matches that end in a 1-1 tie.

The change, which is only being tested, was approved after the new UWW Technical Commission reviewed the current regulations. It unanimously acknowledged that the existing rule, which awards victory to the athlete who scores the last point, may unintentionally encourage passivity at the start of the bout.

Following the discussions, the Commission agreed to test the proposed change of awarding victory to the wrestler who scores the first point during the 2025 Senior European Championships in Bratislava, Slovakia to be held from April 7-13.

Additional senior Continental Championships or international tournaments may also be selected for further testing. United World Wrestling will provide updates should additional test events be required.