
Techniques, safety, focus: UWW referees ready for Paris 2024

By United World Wrestling Press

ATHENS, Greece (August 1) -- United World Wrestling referees for Paris 2024 completed a three-day seminar from June 21 to 23, hosted by the Greek Wrestling Federation in Athens. The seminar was held to prepare for the Olympics, where referees will be ITOs.

The program consisted of self and group analysis of previous performance, theoretical study, mental preparedness, medical and safety training as well as on-the-mat training with Women's Wrestling, Freestyle, and Greco-Roman wrestlers and coaching experts.

Led by the President of the UWW Athletes Commission, Arsen JULFALAKYAN, as well as coaches Alfred TER-MKRTCHYAN, Patrick NUDING and Amiran KARDANOV and wrestlers Maria PREVOLARAKI (GRE) and Christos KOUTSOURIDIS (GRE), referees analyzed common wrestling techniques and tactics in all styles and the proper philosophy and mechanisms referees should utilize when evaluating these situations.

Referee seminar

During these sessions, Julfalakyan also emphasized concerns and questions he receives from wrestlers and how we can improve the communication between athletes and referees when discussing the application of the rules.

Mental strength training sessions were led by Holger KNOLL, a trained mental strength coach specializing in athlete training. His sessions focused on how referees can improve their concentration and focus before, during and after competitions.

Babak SHADGAN, President of the UWW Medical Commission, provided medical and safety training, with focus on the role a referee plays in injury prevention.

In addition to the referee's instruction, Tristan MORAD, UWW Sports Department Coordinator, provided a presentation on the logistics and schedule of the wrestling of Paris 2024.

United World Wrestling and the UWW Referee Commission graciously thank the Greek Wrestling Federation and its President, Stergios LEONKIS, and UWW Bureau Vice President, Theodore HAMAKOS and numerous volunteers for their organization and hospitality in hosting the seminar.


UWW Training PE Teachers at ISF Gymasiade in Bahrain

By United World Wrestling Press

Bahrain (December 2) – United World Wrestling partnered with the International School Sports Federation (ISF) to train PE teachers at the ISF Gymnasiade in Bahrain. The ISF Gymnasiade event took place from 23-31 October. This annual event involves competitions for sport school athletes over 26 sports. Wrestling has been a part of this event in each edition. During the Gymnasiade, ISF also provides training to local PE teachers to potentially implement more sports within their curriculum.

UWW was fortunate to be able to provide training sessions to the PE teachers on using the Wrestle4Fun curriculum. The training was led by UWW Educators Ahmed Khedhri (TUN) and Rafael Galva (PUR).

The training was held on 25 October and included 51 participants. The training included 2-hour theoretical and 2-hour practical sessions, with participants actively participating in Wrestle4Fun activities. These activities provided the participants with the advantages of adding wrestling to physical education. “Collaborating with PE teachers provided a very valuable experience. I hope this experience will become more common, allowing wrestling to be part of the physical education curriculum,” said Mr. Khedhri.

Mr. Galva also participated in the ISF International Educational Forum. During the forum, Mr. Galva discussed Promoting a Healthy Lifestyle to School Kids. He also spoke about the importance of positive role modeling from parents and coaches. 

ISFParticipants go through the Fun and Skills Zone at the ISF Gymnasiade in Bahrain. (Photo: United World Wrestling)

Mr. Galva and Mr. Khedhri also conducted sessions at the Fun and Skills Zone throughout the event. This was a chance for young athletes to try wrestling games and activities. This included athletes from many different sports and countries.

The wrestling competition was held on October 28-30 and included participation in all three styles. The competition had 321 athletes from 18 countries participating. 

Wrestle4Fun is developmentally appropriate for all age levels and designed to support girls’ and boys’ physical literacy journeys. It has five stages based on different developmental levels. Each stage has 15 lessons. In total, there are 75 lessons with over 200 games and activities. The entire Wrestle4Fun programme can be found on the Academy platform.

The UWW Academy can be found at https://academy.uww.org/.