
WATCH: Ten Women's Freestyle Finals from #WrestleIstanbul

By United World Wrestling Press

ISTANBUL, Turkey (March 4) -- The women's freestyle bouts from the #WrestleIstanbul Ranking Series had some surprise winners. Some of the established stars suffered losses early while young wrestlers finished on the podium.

If you missed the finals from the tournament, here are all the ten finals from the Istanbul event.

GOLD: 50kg - Polina LUKINA (RWF) vs Emilia VUC (ROU)


GOLD: 53kg - Milana DADASHEVA (RWF) vs Bolortuya BAT OCHIR (MGL)


GOLD: 55kg - Jacarra WINCHESTER (USA) vs Katarzyna KRAWCZYK (POL)


GOLD: 57kg -  Evelina NIKOLOVA (BUL) vs Bolortuya KHURELKHUU (MGL)




GOLD: 62kg - Tserenchimed SUKHEE (MGL) vs Macey KILTY (USA)


GOLD: 65kg - Mallory VELTE (USA) vs Forrest MOLINARI (USA)




GOLD: 72kg - Zhamila BAKBERGENOVA (KAZ) vs Anna SCHELL (GER)


GOLD: 76kg - Martina KUENZ (AUT) vs Aiperi MEDET KYZY (KGZ)

Russia, Belarus wrestlers to compete under UWW flag

By United World Wrestling Press

CORSIER-SUR-VEVEY, Switzerland (February 21) -- All eligible wrestlers from Russia and Belarus will now compete under United World Wrestling flag.

The UWW Bureau, which met on February 5, gave a green signal for wrestlers who previously competed under neutral flag as Individual Neutral Athletes, to compete under UWW Flag effective immediately. This also includes the staff of the two countries.

However, UWW will continue with UWW anthem for ceremonies with no reference to the flag, symbols, or coat of arms of Russia and Belarus will be authorized.

Furthermore, no team ranking will be considered of these two countries at any championships.

This is the third major update for eligibility of wrestlers from Russia and Belarus. UWW had announced the first set of eligibility criteria for Russia and Belarus wrestlers in 2023. The criteria was further revised in 2024 to state that only evidence of direct military participation in the war against Ukraine or public declarations [in written or orally] in support of the war and/or of their promoters or participants will be considered to declare an athlete as ineligible.