Diamond Giant ALROSA Signs $4 Million Annual Partnership with Wrestling Federation of Russia
Sunday, March 9, 2014 - 23:00 By Tim Foley

YAKUTSK, REPUBLIC OF YAKUTIA, RUSSIA (March 10) -- The world’s largest diamond-mining operation has joined forces with the most successful wrestling team on the plant.
In a ground-breaking $4 million agreement, the Russian State Mining Company ALROSA has signed on to become a General Partner to the Wrestling Federation of Russia with a special focus to develop wrestling in the Sakha (Yakutia) region.
Georgy Bryusov, the first vice president of the Wrestling Federation of Russia announced the partnership last week.
ALROSA produces 27-perecent of the world’s rough diamonds with one the company’s main operations based in Yakutia.
Yakutia is well-known to fans of Russian wrestling, as the Republic has been home to former Olympic and national champions. Wrestling is the most popular sport in the area so to assist the local communities ALROSA and the Wrestling Federation of Russia are creating a special wrestling development program in Yakutia.
The program’s inaugural year will be highlighted by the 2014 Russian National Freestyle championship being held in Yakutia’s modern Triumph Arena.In addition to the tournament, ALROSA is providing 20 mats to wrestling clubs in the region and will help to organize international tournaments. The company will also help fund joint training camps for national teams and a variety of master-classes featuring former Olympic champions.
“Russia is a world leader in the sport of wrestling,” said ALROSA president Feodor Andreev. “ALROSA wants to create social programs in the Republic of Yakutia and in the Russia Federation as a whole. We consider wrestling the most democratic sport, and we want to contribute to developing the sport in our country. We believe wrestling helps to form a system of values for new generation based on striving for victory and a commitment to fair play and a healthy way of living.”
According to terms and conditions of agreement the Stock Company ALROSA will retain their status as General Partner to the Wrestling Federation of Russia up to Olympic Games 2016 in Rio de Janeiro.
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