Commission des Médias

Akhroldjan RUZIEV Uzbekistan President
Ikuo Higuchi Japan Member
Jörg Richter Germany Member
Anna Gurieva Russia Member
Richard Immel United States Member
Amanpreet Singh India Member
Mohsen Vahdani Seydabad Iran Member


  • To provide to  United World Wrestling a list of press journalists and World News Agencies interested in wrestling.
  • To prepare information and results in view of each important event in order to inform the journalists.
  • To set up the same structure for the photographers.
  • To build a photo file for each Championship on the  United World Wrestling website and to place it at the disposal of photographers.
  • To organize a press conference at the time of each Championship to inform on  United World Wrestling's activities.
  • To set up the  Press Centre with the Organizing Committee and to see to its smooth running.
  • To organize the annual contest for the best photographer and the best journalist in the sport of wrestling.
  • To examine with AIPS the possibility to create a "wrestling" press accreditation.
  • To contact the various television companies and to participate in the preparation of television contracts.
  • To contact television channels to offer the broadcasting of the  United World Wrestling competitions which are not already included in a television contract.
  • To establish a list of national television companies managers and maintain permanent contact with them to encourage television broadcasting in their respective countries.
  • To set up a special structure for African and Latin American countries in view of being able to offer a free of charge broadcast of the wrestling competitions in their area.
  • To produce movies and videos to be broadcasted on television for the promotion of wrestling (in collaboration with the Master Degrees and Promotions Department).