
Valencia Escoto Hace Historia para México en #WrestleOttawa Clasificatorio Olímpico


OTTAWA, Canada – Alma Jane VALENCIA ESCOTO (MEX) won her semifinal match at 57 kg, becoming the first woman in history from Mexico to qualify for the Olympic Games in wrestling.

In the preliminary rounds, Valencia collected wins against Betzabeth SARCO COLMENAREZ (VEN), 5-1, and Nes Marie RODRIGUEZ TIRADO (PUR) by pin.

To earn a spot in the Olympic Games, Valencia knocked off 2019 World champion Linda MORAIS (CAN) in the semifinal with another victory by fall. She went on to win the finals by injury default to take the gold medal.

In this weekend’s event, the top-two from each weight class will earn a bid for their countries to the 2020 Olympics.

The United States women’s freestyle team qualified its remaining four weight classes for the Tokyo Olympics, advancing all of its athletes to the Pan American Olympic Qualifier finals.

Thanks to medal-winning performances at 68 kg and 76 kg at the 2019 World Championships, the United States entered the weekend with two weights already qualified. On Saturday, it completed its team sending Sarah HILDEBRANDT (50 kg), Jacarra WINCHESTER (53 kg), Helen MAROULIS (57 kg) and Kayla MIRACLE (62 kg) to their respective finals.

Today was the first international competition for 2016 Olympic champion Maroulis since the 2018 World Championships. She took the 2019 season off due to injury.

In her first bout, Maroulis defeated returning World champion Linda MORAIS (CAN) with a 12-2 technical fall.

Maroulis wasn’t the only World medalist to qualify the weight for the USA.

Hildebrandt is a 2018 World silver medalist at 53 kg. This year, she moved down to 50 kg for the Olympics, which is the weight she qualified today.

In the semifinals, Hildebrandt defeated 2012 World champion and two-time World bronze medalist Jessica MACDONALD (CAN) with a dominant 11-0 performance.

Similarly, Winchester, the 2019 World champion at 55 kg, moved down a weight class to compete at 53 kg this year.

To qualify, Winchester defeated 2016 Pan American champion Samantha STEWART (CAN), 8-4, in the semifinals.

Brazil, Canada and Cuba also qualified multiple weight classes for the Tokyo Olympics.

Earning three spots for Cuba were Yusneylis GUZMAN LOPEZ (50 kg), Lianna de la Caridad MONTERO HERRERA (53 kg) and 2018 U23 World champion Yudari SANCHEZ RODRIGUEZ (68 kg).

Brazil picked up two spots with Lais NUNES DE OLIVEIRA (62 kg) and 2014 World silver medalist Aline DA SILVA FERREIRA (76 kg) advancing to the finals.

Nunes and da Silva were funded by the United World Wrestling Development Technical Assistance program, which allows athletes from developing countries the opportunities to compete at top-level events. Their qualifications for the Olympic Games would not have been possible without the support of UWW.

Host country Canada also qualified two spots, thanks to 2018 World silver medalist Danielle LAPPAGE (68 kg) and 2016 Olympic champion Erica WIEBE (76 kg).

The Pan American Olympic Qualifier wraps up tomorrow with the men’s freestyle competition.

En Espanol

OTTAWA, Canada – Alma Jane VALENCIA ESCOTO (MEX) gano su semifinal en 57 kg para convertirse en la primera Mexicana en clasificar a unos Juegos Olimpicos en lucha.

En las primeras rondas, Valencia derroto a Betzabeth SARCO COLMENAREZ (VEN) y Nes Marie RODRIGUEZ TIRADO (PUR).

Para calificar la categoria, Valencia vencio a la campeona mundial de 2019 Linda MORAIS (CAN) por puestaespalda y en la final, la Mexicana gano por lesion y para así quedarse con la medalla de oro.

En este evento, los dos mejores atletas de cada categoría calificaron a sus países a la justa Olímpica.

La cuatro integrantes del equipo de Estados Unidos avanzaron a las finales en sus respectivas categorías, con lo que clasificaron a Tokio 2020.

Gracias a que en el Campeonato Mundial de 2019 resultaron ganadores de medalla en 68 y 76 kg en el 2019, los Estados Unidos llegaron a este evento con dos categorias ya clasificadas, por lo que hoy completaron el equipo con Sarah HILDEBRANDT (50 kg), Jacarra WINCHESTER (53 kg), Helen MAROULIS (57 kg) y Kayla MIRACLE (62 kg).

Hoy fue la primera competencia internacional en 2 años para la campeona olimpica en Río 2016 Helen Maroulis, ya que no participaba en un evento de esta naturaleza desde el Campeonato Mundial 2018.

En su primero combate, Maroulis derroto a la campeona mundial 2019 Morais de Canada por superioridad tecnica.

Maroulis no fue la unica medallista mundial quien califico su categoria para EE. UU. Hildebrandt medallista de plata en 2018, y Winchester ganadora de la medalla de oro en 2019 también consiguieron el boleto a Tokio.

Brasil, Canadá y Cuba también tuvieron m múltiples clasificados para los Juegos Olímpicos de Tokio.

Cuba se quedó con tres plazas gracias a Yusneylis GUZMAN LOPEZ (50 kg), Lianna de la Caridad MONTERO HERRERA (53 kg) y campeona mundial U23 de 2018, Yudari SANCHEZ RODRIGUEZ (68 kg).

Por otro lado, Brazil recolecto dos lugares cuando Lais NUÑES DE OLIVEIRA (62 kg) y la medallista mundial en 2014, Aline DA SILVA FERREIRA (76 kg) avanzaron a los combates finales.

Nuñes y da Silva fueron financiadas por el programa United World Wrestling Development Technical Assistance, que brinda a los atletas de países en desarrollo la oportunidad de competir en eventos de alto nivel. La clasificacion de ambas no sería posible sin el apoyo de UWW.

Canada califico dos categorías, gracias a la medallista de plata del mundial 2018 Danielle LAPPAGE (68 kg) y a la campeona olimpica debRío 2016 Erica WIEBE (76 kg).

El Clasificatorio Olímpico Panamericano termina mañana con los combates del estilo libre masculino.

Women’s freestyle finals results

50 kg
GOLD - Yusneylis GUZMAN LOPEZ (CUB) df. Sarah HILDEBRANDT (USA), injury default
BRONZE - Thalia MALLQUI PECHE (PER) df. Carolina CASTILLO HIDALGO (COL), injury default
BRONZE - Jessica MACDONALD (CAN) df. Rita Fatima ROJAS CHAVEZ (MEX), 10-0

53 kg
GOLD - Lianna de la Caridad MONTERO HERRERA (CUB) df. Jacarra WINCHESTER (USA), injury default

57 kg
GOLD - Alma VALENCIA ESCOTO (MEX) df. Helen MAROULIS (USA), injury default
BRONZE – Linda MORAIS (CAN) df. Gabriela Nicole RAMOS DIAZ (PUR), fall

62 kg
GOLD - Lais NUNES DE OLIVEIRA (BRA) df. Kayla MIRACLE (USA), injury default
BRONZE – Michelle FAZZARI (CAN) df.
Nathaly GRIMAN HERRERA (VEN), injury default

68 kg
GOLD - Danielle LAPPAGE (CAN) df. Yudari SANCHEZ RODRIGUEZ (CUB), injury default
Luz VAZQUEZ (ARG) df. Leonela AYOVI PARRAGA (ECU), 3-2

76 kg
GOLD - Erica WIEBE (CAN) df. Aline DA SILVA FERREIRA (BRA), injury default
BRONZE – Genesis REASCO VALDEZ (ECU) df. Andrea OLAYA GUTIERREZ (COL), injury default

Women’s freestyle semifinals results

50 kg
Sarah HILDEBRANDT (USA) df. Jessica MACDONALD (CAN), 11-0
Yusneylis GUZMAN LOPEZ (CUB) df. Carolina CASTILLO HIDALGO, 6-4

53 kg
Jacarra WINCHESTER (USA) df. Samantha STEWART (CAN), 8-4
Lianna de la Caridad MONTERO HERRERA (CUB) df. Luisa VALVERDE MELENDRES (ECU), 5-4

57 kg
Alma VALENCIA ESCOTO (MEX) df. Linda MORAIS (CAN), fall 3:45

62 kg
Kayla MIRACLE (USA) df. Michelle FAZZARI (CAN), 12-3

68 kg
Danielle LAPPAGE (CAN) df. Leonela AYOVI PARRAGA (ECU), 10-0

76 kg
Erica WIEBE (CAN) df. Genesis REASCO VALDEZ (ECU), 5-0


A l'approche des Championnats du monde, Tynybekova remporte l'or #WrestleBudapest

By Vinay Siwach

BUDAPEST, Hongrie (14 juillet) - Aisuluu TYNYBEKOVA (KGZ) a subi une défaite choquante au tournoi des Ranking Series 2022 Yasar Dogu contre Lais NUNES (BRA), la dernière fois qu'elles ont lutté. Cette défaite est arrivée trois mois après que Tynybekova a remporté son deuxième titre mondial à Oslo.

Après sa victoire du titre mondial, elle a perdu en finale des Championnats d'Asie et s'est blessée au pied ce qui a nécessité une chirurgie. Aux championnats du monde à Belgrade, elle s'est classée cinquième et aux Ranking Series du Zagreb Open en février cette année, Tynybekova a terminé 13ème. Il semble que la période faste de Tynybekova, durant laquelle elle a remporté deux titres mondiaux, une médaille olympique d'argent et de multiples titres asiatiques, soit derrière elle.

Mais à l'approche des Championnats du monde, Tynybekova semble avoir retrouvé la forme qu'elle avait perdue. Et vendredi, elle a remporté sa deuxième médaille d'or des Ranking Series de l'année à Budapest, une course qui comprend une victoire sur Nunes.

"L'année dernière, je n'ai pas pu remporter les championnats d'Asie et j'ai également perdu aux Championnats du monde. Je n'ai pas pu participer à la plupart des tournois internationaux," a-t-elle déclaré. "Cette année a commencé sans succès mais à partir du second tournoi international, j'étais revenu au top. Ensuite, j'ai remporté l'or aux championnats d'Asie en battant la lutteuse japonaise contre laquelle j'ai perdu deux fois l'année dernière [aux championnats d'Asie et du monde]."

Aux Ranking Series de Budapest, Tynybekova a épinglé Nunes en demi-finale des 62kg et a enchaîné avec une victoire 2-1 sur la championne européenne Bilyana DUDOVA (BUL).

Cette victoire, avec son titre asiatique au Kazakhstan et son or aux Ranking Series à Alexandrie, lui a assuré une place parmi les deux têtes de série en 62kg pour les Championnats du monde où elle vise à se qualifier pour les Jeux Olympiques de Paris.

Tynybekova a été privée de l'or aux Jeux Olympiques de Tokyo par Yukako KAWAI (JPN) qui l'a battu en finale. Kawai ne s'est pas qualifiée pour les Championnats du monde 2023 après avoir perdu les qualifications nationales du Japon.

"Je suis satisfaite de ma performance d'aujourd'hui," a déclaré Tynybekova. "Les gens savent que je ne suis pas en bonne forme en ce moment. Même dans de telles conditions, j'ai atteint la finale et l'ai remportée. Je veux donc remercier toutes ces personnes qui croient en moi et me soutiennent."

en finale, Tynybekova a marqué un takedown et a continué sur sa défense pour ne pas donner d'ouverture à Dudova. Elle a été appelée pour activité mais cela ne lui a coûté qu'un seul point.

"Vous avez vu comment j'ai remporté les Ranking Series à Budapest," a-t-elle déclaré. "Malgré ma mauvaise condition physique, j'ai pu gagner. Maintenant, nous commençons la préparation pour les Championnats du monde où je peux gagner le quota olympique."

Pour se préparer pour les Championnats du monde, Tynybekova s'entraînera chez elle. Elle n'exclut pas de lutter aux Jeux d'Asie en octobre.

"Avant les championnats du monde, nous aurons un camp d'entraînement à Issyk-Kul," a-t-elle déclaré. "Nous irons peut-être aussi au camp d'entraînement international en Pologne et 10 jours après les championnats du monde, nous pourrions également aller aux Jeux d'Asie."

In other significant results at 62kg, Viktoria VESSO (EST) executed a perfect headlock for four points to pin two-time world silver medalist Kayla MIRACLE (USA) in the pre-quarterfinals. However, she lost to Dudova 9-0 in the quarterfinal.

At 57kg, Anastasia NICHITA (MDA), the reigning 59kg world champion, secured gold in the Ranking Series. This victory marked the beginning of her journey toward the Paris Olympics in Budapest.

Nichita, who wrestled at 57kg in Tokyo, has been a constant at 59kg but has decided to return to the 57kg category in her quest for an Olympic medal. Her performance in Budapest indicates that she is on the right track.

Opening her day with a 7-0 win over Sandra PARUSZEWSKI (GER), Nichita secured a fall over Olga KHOROSHAVTSEVA (AIN) in the quarterfinals and then over Hannah TAYLOR (CAN) in the semifinal.

In the final, Kexin HONG (CHN) score two points on the European champion but Nichita held on for a comfortable 8-2 win.

In the 53kg category, Bolortuya BAT OCHIR (MGL), an Olympic bronze medalist, won the gold medal in Budapest after Lucia YEPEZ (ECU) injury defaulted.

Both Bat Ochir and Yepez had impressive victories on their way to the finals. Yepez pinned Vivien MATYI (HUN) in her opening bout and defeated Min ZHANG (CHN) 9-5 to reach the semifinals. Meanwhile, Bat Ochir received a bye in the first round and won 10-0 against Diana WEICKER (CAN) to secure a spot in the semifinals.

Yepez went on to defeat Olympic silver medalist Qianyu PANG (CHN) 3-1 in a surprising victory, while Bat Ochir dominated her matches, including a technical superiority win, on her path to the final.

Zhou FENG (CHN), another experienced wrestler, clinched the gold medal in the 68kg category after a 2-1 victory over Olympic silver medalist Blessing OBORUDUDU (NGR) in the final. Oborududu had previously defeated Forrest MOLINARI (USA) in the semifinals, while Feng won 10-0 against Xinru ZHOU (CHN) in her semifinal match.

Nokhodi confirms Belgrade spot

Mohammad NOKHODI (IRI), a two-time World Championships silver medalist, won the gold medal in Budapest at 79kg, earning him a spot on the world team.

Iran entered two wrestlers at 79kg to determine their representative. Nokhodi and Ali SAVADKOUHI (IRI) were on a collision course to meet in the quarterfinals.

Nokhodi defeated Chandler MARSTELLER (USA) 10-0 in his first bout, while Savadkouhi lost 5-4 to Avtandil KENTCHADZE (GEO) after giving up exposure in the dying moments., denying a direct match against Nokhodi.

Nokhodi secured a 6-2 victory over Kentchadze in the semifinals and went on to win 3-0 against Vladimeri GAMKRELIDZE (GEO) in the final.

Amirmohammad YAZDANI (IRI) also secured his place on Iran's world team at 70kg despite not winning the gold medal.

In the 70kg quarterfinals, Joseph MC KENNA (USA) defeated Syrbaz TALGAT (KAZ) to set up a semifinal against Yazdani who won his quarterfinal 7-7 against Orozobek TOKTOMAMBETOV (KGZ).

On the other side of the bracket, Amr HUSSEN (EGY) defeated Mohammad BAKHSHISHIRKOLAEI (IRI) 11-7, and Ihor NYKYFORUK (UKR) secured a fall against Ernazar AKMATALIEV (KGZ).

Yazdani looked comfortable in the semifinal after taking a 6-0 lead but McKenna stormed back with a big four-pointer. Yazdani scored a two to lead 8-4. But the final 40 seconds saw McKenna get five points, two via challenges, to win 9-8.

Nykyforuk pinned Hussen in the semifinal and went on to win the gold with a 4-2 victory over McKenna.

Yazdani lost his bronze medal bout but Iran's coaching staff decided to conduct a wrestle-off between Yazdani and Bakshishirkolaei which the former won to confirm his spot for Belgrade.

At 61kg, Zelimkhan ABAKAROV (ALB), the world champion at 57kg, won the gold with a 4-1 victory in the final over Ossimzhan DASTANBEK (KAZ).


Women's wrestling

GOLD: Sarah HILDEBRANDT (USA) df. Ziqi FENG (CHN), 4-2

BRONZE: Otgonjargal DOLGORJAV (MGL) df. Nadezhda SOKOLOVA (AIN), 16-5
BRONZE: Miesinnei GENESIS (NGR) df. Jiang ZHU (CHN), via inj. def.

GOLD: Bolortuya BAT OCHIR (MGL) df. Lucia YEPEZ (ECU), via inj. def.

BRONZE: Diana WEICKER (CAN) df. Dominique PARRISH (USA), 10-0
BRONZE: Qianyu PANG (CHN) df. Min ZHANG (CHN), 10-0

GOLD: Anastasia NICHITA (MDA) df. Kexin HONG (CHN), 8-2

BRONZE: Hannah TAYLOR (CAN) df. Sandra PARUSZEWSKI (GER), 11-2
BRONZE: Qi ZHANG (CHN) df. Giullia OLIVEIRA (BRA), 11-0

GOLD: Aisuluu TYNYBEKOVA (KGZ) df. Bilyana DUDOVA (BUL), 2-1

BRONZE: Xiaojuan LUO (CHN) df. Viktoria VESSO (EST), via fall (9-1)

GOLD: Feng ZHOU (CHN) df. Blessing OBORUDUDU (NGR), 2-1

BRONZE: Forrest MOLINARI (USA) df. Olivia DI BACCO (CAN), 8-7
BRONZE: Alexandra ANGHEL (ROU) df. Xinru ZHOU (CHN), via fall


GOLD: Zelimkhan ABAKAROV (ALB) df. Ossimzhan DASTANBEK (KAZ), 4-1

BRONZE: Vitali ARUJAU (USA) df. Vladimir KUDRIN (KAZ), via inj. def.

GOLD: Ihor NYKYFORUK (UKR) df. Joseph MC KENNA (USA), 4-2

BRONZE: Sanzhar DOSZHANOV (KAZ) df. Amirmohammad YAZDANI (IRI), 5-0

GOLD: Mohammad NOKHODI (IRI) df. Vladimeri GAMKRELIDZE (GEO), 3-0

BRONZE: Daniyar KAISANOV (KAZ) df. Nurdaulet KUANYSHBAY (KAZ), 7-4
BRONZE: Chandler MARSTELLER (USA) df. Avtandil KENTCHADZE (GEO), 4-3