Refereeing Commission

Levent Sen Turkiye President
Koike Kuninori Japan Member
Sherif Halawa Egypt Member
Ferenc Gyarmati Romania Member
Casey GOESSL United States Member
Zvonko Očić Croatia Member
Vaclav Scheiner Czechia Member
Alexey BAZULIN Russia Member
Marcia Chiasson Canada Member
Rafael A. Galvá Lebrón Puerto Rico Member
Ji Woo Lee Korea Member


  • To gather information on referees and to provide it to  United World Wrestling to update its Database.
  • To propose to the United World Wrestling Bureau the referees categories on the basis of the courses reports and their personal motivation.
  • To propose improvements to the Wrestling Rules.
  • To implement a life-long educational system for the referees.
  • To put forward the Instructors to be appointed to the clinics.
  • To propose a new training system for candidate referees.
  • To propose a training system for instructors.
  • To propose the referees selected to work during the junior and senior World Championships, the senior Continental Championships and Olympic Games.
  • To prepare the programmes and examination forms for referees.
  • To organize the annual referees’ courses.