National Federations

Afghanistan Afghanistan Wrestling Federation FS, GR, WW, BW, GP
Albania Albanian Wrestling Federation FS, GR, WW, BW
Algeria Fédération Algérienne des Luttes Associées FS, GR, WW, BW, GP
American Samoa American Samoa Amateur Wrestling Association FS, GR, WW, BW
Angola Federação Angolana de Lutas (FALUTAS) FS, GR, WW, BW, GP
Argentina Federación Argentina de Luchas Asociadas FS, GR, WW, BW, GP, AL, KK, BWUWW
Armenia Wrestling Federation of Armenia FS, GR, WW, PK, BW, GP, KK
Australia Wrestling Australia Ltd. FS, GR, WW, BW, GP
Austria Austrian Wrestling Federation FS, GR, WW, BW
Azerbaijan Azerbaijan Wrestling Federation FS, GR, WW, BW
Bahamas Bahamas Amateur Wrestling Federation FS, GR, WW, BW
Bahrain Bahrain Wrestling Association FS, GR, WW, BW
Bangladesh Bangladesh Amateur Wrestling Federation FS, GR, WW, PK, BW, GP, AL, KK, BWUWW, PW, WCS, TG
Barbados Barbados Wrestling Association FS, GR, WW, PK, BW, GP
Belarus Wrestling Federation of Belarus FS, GR, WW, BW
Belgium Royal Belgian Wrestling Federation FS, GR, WW, BW
Benin Fédération Béninoise de Lutte (FEBELUTTE) FS, GR, WW, BW, BWUWW, AF
Bolivia Federacion Boliviana de Lucha Amateur FS, GR, WW, BW
Bosnia and Herzegovina Wrestling Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina FS, GR, WW, BW
Botswana Botswana Wrestling Federation FS, GR, WW, PK, BW, GP
Brazil Confederação Brasileira de Wrestling (CBW) FS, GR, WW, BW, GP, KK
Bulgaria Bulgarian Wrestling Federation FS, GR, WW, PK, BW, GP, AL, KK, BWUWW, PW, TG
Burkina Faso Fédération Burkinabè de Lutte FS, GR, WW, BW, AF
Burundi Fédération Burundaise des Luttes Associées FS, GR, WW, BW
Cambodia Wrestling Federation of Cambodia FS, GR, WW, BW
Cameroon Fédération Camerounaise de Lutte FS, GR, WW, PK, BW, GP, AF
Canada Wrestling Canada Lutte FS, GR, WW, BW
Cape Verde Cabo Verde Wrestling Federation FS, GR, WW, PK, BW, GP
Cayman Islands Cayman Islands Mixed Martial Arts Association FS, GR, WW, BW
Central African Republic Fédération Centrafricaine de Luttes Associées (FCLA) FS, GR, WW, BW, AF
Chad Fédération Tchadienne de Luttes Associées (FTLA) FS, GR, WW, BW, AF
Chile Federación Deportiva Nacional de Lucha Olímpica de Chile (FEDENALOCH) FS, GR, WW, BW, GP, AL, BWUWW
China Chinese Wrestling Association FS, GR, WW, BW
Colombia Federación Colombiana de Lucha Olympica FS, GR, WW, BW
Comoros Fédération Comorienne des Luttes (FCL) FS, GR, WW, BW
Congo Fédération Congolaise de Luttes Associées (FECOLA) FS, GR, WW, PK, BW, GP, BWUWW, AF
Congo, DR Fédération Congolaise des Luttes Associées (FECOLUTTA) FS, GR, WW, BW, AF
Costa Rica Federación de Estilos de Luchas Asociadas (FEDELUCHAS) FS, GR, WW, BW
Cote d'Ivoire Fédération Ivoirienne de Lutte (FIL) FS, GR, WW, BW, AF
Croatia Fédération Croate de Lutte FS, GR, WW, BW
Cuba Federación Cubana de Luchas Asociadas FS, GR, WW, BW
Cyprus Cyprus Wrestling Federation FS, GR, WW, BW
Czechia Fédération Tchèque de Lutte FS, GR, WW, BW
Denmark Danish Wrestling Federation FS, GR, WW, BW
Dominican Republic Federacion Dominicana de Lucha Olympica FS, GR, WW, BW
Ecuador Federación Ecuatoriana de Lucha Amateur FS, GR, WW, BW
Egypt Egyptian Wrestling Federation FS, GR, WW, BW
El Salvador Federacion Salvadorena de Luchas Amateur FS, GR, WW, BW
Equatorial Guinea Federacíon Ecuatoguineana de Lucha Olimpica, Lucha Tradicional y Disciplinas Asociadas FS, GR, WW, BW, GP
Eritrea Eritrean Wrestling Federation FS, GR, WW, BW
Estonia Estonian Wrestling Federation FS, GR, WW, BW, GP, KK
Finland Finnish Wrestling Federation FS, GR, WW, BW, GP
France Fédération Française de Lutte FS, GR, WW, PK, BW, GP
French Polynesia Fédération Polynésienne de Lutte, Arts Martiaux Mixtes, Jiu-Jitsu Brésilien et Disciplines Associées (FPLAJDA) FS, GR, WW, BW, GP
Gabon Fédération de Lutte du Gabon FS, GR, WW, BW
Gambia Gambia Wrestling Association FS, GR, WW, BW, AF
Georgia Georgian Wrestling Federation FS, GR, WW, BW
Germany Deutscher Ringer-Bund E.V. FS, GR, WW, BW, GP
Ghana Ghana Wrestling Federation FS, GR, WW, BW, AF
Greece Fédération Hellénique de Lutte FS, GR, WW, PK, BW, GP, AL, KK, BWUWW
Guam Guam Amateur Wrestling Federation FS, GR, WW, BW
Guatemala Federación Nacional de Luchas de Guatemala FS, GR, WW, BW
Guinea Fédération Guinéenne des Luttes Associées (FEGUILA) FS, GR, WW, BW, AF
Guinea-Bissau Federacão de Luta da Guinee-Bissau FS, GR, WW, BW, AF
Guyana Guyana Wrestling Association FS, GR, WW, BW
Haiti Fédération Haïtienne des Luttes Associées FS, GR, WW, BW
Honduras Federación Nacional de Lucha de Honduras (FNLH) FS, GR, WW, BW
Hong Kong, China China Hong Kong Wrestling Federation FS, GR, WW, BW
Hungary Hungarian Wrestling Federation FS, GR, WW, BW, KK
Iceland Icelandic Wrestling Association FS, GR, WW, BW
India Wrestling Federation of India FS, GR, WW, BW
Indonesia All Indonesia Amateur Wrestling Association FS, GR, WW, BW, AL, KK, BWUWW, TG
Iran I.R.I. Amateur Wrestling Federation FS, GR, WW, BW, AL, KK, BWUWW, PW
Iraq Iraqi Wrestling Federation FS, GR, WW, BW
Ireland Irish Amateur Wrestling Association FS, GR, WW, PK, BW, GP
Israel Israel Wrestling Federation FS, GR, WW, BW
Italy Federazione Italiana Judo Lotta Karate Arti Marziali FS, GR, WW, BW
Jamaica Jamaica Wrestling Federation FS, GR, WW, PK, BW, GP
Japan Japan Wrestling Federation FS, GR, WW, PK, BW, GP, AL, KK, BWUWW
Jordan Jordan Wrestling Federation FS, GR, WW, PK, BW, GP
Kazakhstan Kazakhstan Wrestling Federation FS, GR, WW, BW
Kenya Kenya Amateur Wrestling Association FS, GR, WW, BW
Kiribati Kiribati Wrestling Federation FS, GR, WW, BW
DPR Korea Amateur Wrestling Association of D.P.R. Korea FS, GR, WW, BW
Korea Korea Wrestling Federation FS, GR, WW, BW
Kosovo Kosovo Wrestling Federation FS, GR, WW, BW
Kuwait Kuwait Wrestling Association FS, GR, WW, BW
Kyrgyzstan Wrestling Federation of The Kyrgyz Republic FS, GR, WW, BW
Lao Lao Wrestling Federation FS, GR, WW, BW
Latvia Latvian Wrestling Sport Federation FS, GR, WW, PK, BW, GP, AL, BWUWW, PW, TG
Lebanon Lebanese Wrestling Federation FS, GR, WW, BW
Lesotho Wrestling Association of Lesotho (WAL) FS, GR, WW, BW
Liberia Liberia Wrestling Association FS, GR, WW, BW, GP, AF
Libya Libyan Olympic Wrestling Federation FS, GR, WW, BW
Lithuania Lithuanian Wrestling Federation FS, GR, WW, BW
Luxembourg Fédération Luxembourgeoise de Lutte FS, GR, WW, BW
Macao, China Wrestling Association of Macao, China FS, GR, WW, BW
North Macedonia Wrestling Federation of the Republic of North Macedonia FS, GR, WW, BW
Madagascar Fédération Malagasy des Luttes FS, GR, WW, PK, BW, AL, AF
Malawi Wrestling Federation of Malawi FS, GR, WW, BW
Malaysia Malaysian Wrestling Association FS, GR, WW, PK, BW, GP
Mali Fédération Malienne de Luttes Associées FS, GR, WW, BW, AF
Malta Malta Amateur Wrestling Federation FS, GR, WW, BW
Marshall Islands Marshall Islands Wrestling Federation FS, GR, WW, BW
Mauritania Fédération Mauritanienne de Lutte FS, GR, WW, BW, AF
Mauritius Mauritius National Wrestling and Allied Games Association FS, GR, WW, PK, BW, GP, AF
Mexico Federación Medallistas de Luchas Asociadas (FEMELA) FS, GR, WW, BW, KK
Micronesia Federated States of Micronesia Wrestling Federation (FSMWF) FS, GR, WW, BW
Moldova Moldova Wrestling Federation FS, GR, WW, PK, BW, GP, AL, KK, BWUWW, PW, TG
Monaco Fédération Monégasque de Lutte FS, GR, WW, BW
Mongolia Mongolian Wrestling Federation FS, GR, WW, BW
Montenegro Wrestling Federation of Montenegro FS, GR, WW, BW
Morocco Fédération Royale Marocaine des Luttes Associées FS, GR, WW, BW, GP, AF
Mozambique Mozambique Wrestling Federation FS, GR, WW, BW
Myanmar Wrestling Federation of Myanmar FS, GR, WW, BW
Namibia Namibia Wrestling Federation FS, GR, WW, BW
Nauru Nauru Wrestling Association FS, GR, WW, BW
Nepal Nepal Wrestling Association FS, GR, WW, BW
Netherlands Nederlandse Olympische Worstel Bond FS, GR, WW, PK, BW, GP, AL, KK, BWUWW, PW, TG
New Zealand New Zealand Olympic Wrestling Union & Associated Styles Inc. FS, GR, WW, BW
Nicaragua Federacion Nicaraguense de Lucha Aficionada FS, GR, WW, BW
Niger Fédération Nigérienne de Luttes (FENI-LUTTE) FS, GR, WW, BW, GP, AF
Nigeria Nigeria Wrestling Federation FS, GR, WW, PK, BW, AF
Niue Niue Wrestling Association FS, GR, WW, BW
Northern Mariana Islands Northern Marianas Wrestling Federation FS, GR, WW, BW
Norway Norwegian Wrestling Federation FS, GR, WW, BW
Palestine Palestinian Wrestling Federation FS, GR, WW, BW, GP
Pakistan Pakistan Wrestling Federation FS, GR, WW, PK, BW, BWUWW
Palau Belau Wrestling Federation FS, GR, WW, BW
Panama Federación Panameña de Lucha Asociadas (FEPLA) FS, GR, WW, BW, GP, AL
Papua New Guinea Papua New Guinea Wrestling Federation FS, GR, WW, BW
Paraguay Asociation Paraguaya de Lucha FS, GR, WW, BW
Peru Federación Deportiva Peruana de Lucha Amateur (FDPLA) FS, GR, WW, BW
Philippines Wrestling Association of the Philippines FS, GR, WW, PK, BW, GP, AL, KK, BWUWW, WCS
Poland Polish Wrestling Federation FS, GR, WW, BW, GP
Portugal Federação Portuguesa de Lutas Amadoras FS, GR, WW, PK, BW, GP, AL, KK, BWUWW, PW, TG
Puerto Rico Federación de Luchas Asociadas de Puerto Rico FS, GR, WW, BW, BWUWW
Qatar Qatar Wrestling Federation FS, GR, WW, PK, BW, GP
Romania Federatia Romana de Lupte FS, GR, WW, BW, AL, KK, BWUWW
Russia Russian Wrestling Federation FS, GR, WW, BW, GP
Rwanda Rwandan Wrestling and Weightlifting Federation FS, GR, WW, BW
Saint Vincent and The Grenadines St Vincent and the Grenadines Wrestling Association FS, GR, WW, BW
Samoa Samoa Wrestling Association FS, GR, WW, BW
San Marino Federazione Judo Lotta Aikido San Marino e Discipline Associate FS, GR, WW, BW, GP
Sao Tome and Principe Association of Wrestling Styles of Sao Tome and Principe FS, GR, WW, BW
Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabian Wrestling Federation FS, GR, WW, PK, BW, GP, AL, KK, BWUWW, MT
Senegal Comité National de la Gestion de la Lutte FS, GR, WW, BW, GP, AF
Serbia Wrestling Federation of Serbia FS, GR, WW, PK, BW, GP, AL, KK, BWUWW, PW, TG
Seychelles Seychelles Federation of Associated Wrestling Styles FS, GR, WW, BW
Sierra Leone Sierra Leone Wrestling Association FS, GR, WW, PK, BW, AL, AF
Singapore Wrestling Federation of Singapore FS, GR, WW, PK, BW, GP
Slovakia Slovakian Wrestling Federation FS, GR, WW, BW
Slovenia Wrestling Federation of Slovenia FS, GR, WW, BW
Solomon Islands Solomon Islands Amateur Wrestling Association FS, GR, WW, BW
Somalia Somali Wrestling Federation FS, GR, WW, BW
South Africa South African Wrestling Federation FS, GR, WW, BW, BWUWW, AF
Spain Federacion Española de Luchas Olimpicas y Disciplinas Asociadas FS, GR, WW, BW, GP
Sri Lanka Wrestling Federation of Sri Lanka FS, GR, WW, BW
Sudan Sudan Wrestling Federation FS, GR, WW, BW, AF
Suriname Suriname Wrestling Federation (SWF) FS, GR, WW, BW
Swaziland Wrestling Federation of Eswatini (WRES) FS, GR, WW, BW
Sweden Swedish Wrestling Federation FS, GR, WW, BW
Switzerland Swiss Wrestling Federation FS, GR, WW, BW
Syria Syrian Arab Wrestling Federation FS, GR, WW, BW
Chinese Taipei Chinese Taipei Wrestling Association FS, GR, WW, BW
Tajikistan Tajikistan Wrestling Federation FS, GR, WW
Tajikistan Tajikistan Non-Olympic Wrestling Styles Committee PK, BW, GP, AL, KK, BWUWW, PW, WCS, TG
Tanzania Tanzania Wrestling Federation (TAWF) FS, GR, WW, BW, AL
Thailand Thai Wrestling Association FS, GR, WW, BW
Timor-Leste Wrestling Federation of Timor Leste FS, GR, WW, BW
Togo Fédération Togolaise de Lutte FS, GR, WW, BW, AF
Tokelau Tokelau Wrestling Association FS, GR, WW, BW
Tonga Tonga Wrestling Federation FS, GR, WW, BW
Trinidad and Tobago Trinidad and Tobago Wrestling Federation FS, GR, WW, BW
Tunisia Fédération Tunisienne de Lutte FS, GR, WW, BW
Turkiye Turkish Wrestling Federation FS, GR, WW, PK, BW, PW
Turkmenistan Turkmenistan Wrestling Federation FS, GR, WW, BW
Tuvalu Tuvalu Wrestling Federation FS, GR, WW, BW
Uganda Uganda Wrestling Federation FS, GR, WW, BW
Ukraine All-Ukrainian Beach Wrestling Federation BW
Ukraine Ukrainian Wrestling Association FS, GR, WW
United Arab Emirates UAE Wrestling Federation FS, GR, WW, BW, MT
United Kingdom British Wrestling Association Ltd FS, GR, WW, BW, GP, BWUWW
United States USA Wrestling FS, GR, WW, BW, AL, BWUWW
Uruguay Federacion Uruguaya de Lucha Amateur FS, GR, WW, BW
Uzbekistan Uzbekistan Wrestling Association FS, GR, WW, BW
Venezuela Federación Venezolana de Lucha Amateur FS, GR, WW, BW, GP
Vietnam Vietnam Wrestling Federation FS, GR, WW, BW
Virgin Islands Virgin Islands Wrestling Federation FS, GR, WW, BW
Yemen Yemen Wrestling Association FS, GR, WW, BW
Zambia Wrestling Association of Zambia (WAZ) FS, GR, WW, BW
Zimbabwe Zimbabwe Wrestling Federation and Affiliates FS, GR, WW, BW, BWUWW