
UWW Hosts Educator Course in Guatemala

By United World Wrestling Press

PETEN, Guatemala (February 7) --- The first of two UWW Educator Courses was conducted in Peten, Guatemala, from 2-4 February. The course included 14 UWW Educators. The educators were mostly from Central and South America but also included a few educators from Europe.

This course was designed to help provide professional development and improve the skills of the educators.

During the course, they participated in activities to help them better understand adult learning principles, the use of formative assessments, and strategies to give proper feedback. The educators also conducted micro-leadership sessions where they had to teach the other educators some topics that are within the UWW education courses. The training was conducted by Vincent AKA (CIV) and Zach ERRET (USA).

“The course was great! The educators were very professional and were actively participating throughout the course. It was great to see them apply some of the principles that were covered in the course.”  Said Zach ERRET, UWW Education Manager.

14 UWW Educators from Central and South America and Europe came together for the first of two UWW Educator Courses. (Photo: United World Wrestling)

“Seeing these educators literally integrate the process of professionalism through training is heartwarming. And I have total confidence in their ability to train our future coaches and referees with regard to what they have demonstrated during their training. They can always count on our department to support them in their mission for the coming years.” said Vincent AKA, UWW Development Officer.

This course also included an opportunity to experience and learn the culture and history in Guatemala. At the conclusion of the course, the educators had an opportunity to visit and tour Tikal National Park. This was one of the sites of the ancient Mayan civilization.

This experience allowed the educators to build stronger relationships with each other. 

“Visiting Tikal National Park was amazing! We do not often get a chance to see historical sites and learn about the culture of the country. To have an opportunity to learn about this ancient civilization and see it firsthand was outstanding. Hosting the course and providing this experience is just another great example of the vision that President Lee has to not only raise the level of wrestling in the Americas but to provide an incredible experience for those attending events.” Said Zach ERRETT, UWW Education Manager.

This course and tour were organized by Mr. Francisco LEE LÓPEZ (President of UWW Americas) and his team. They did an amazing job of organizing the entire event and provided a top environment for a lifetime's training and cultural experience.


ASOIF: IFs discuss sustainability, development and education initiatives at ASOIF Forum

By United World Wrestling Press

LAUSANNEE, Switzerland (May 31) --- United World Wrestling's Development Director Deqa Niamkey led the ASOIF’s Forum on Sustainability, Development and Education (ASDEG) in Lausanne last week. Here's what ASOIF.com said about the event

Experts from 27 International Federations (IFs) governing Olympic summer and winter sports gathered this week at ASOIF’s Forum on Sustainability, Development and Education (ASDEG). The event was held on 24 and 25 May in Lausanne, Switzerland, led by the Chair of ASOIF’s ASDEG Group Deqa Niamkey from United World Wrestling (UWW).

For the first time, the Forum addressed the important field of sustainability which had been added recently to the group’s portfolio. The International Olympic Committee introduced the topic and shared best practice. World Sailing presented their Agenda 2030, an ambitious sustainability strategy that covers environmental, economic and social aspects. The International Hockey Federation offered insights into how an IF can kick-start the sustainability initiatives at an early stage.

After the pandemic had forced a two-year pause of the Forum, the participants also discussed how COVID-19 has changed their ways of working. UWW presented how the global health crisis has helped their federation embrace online education and showcased a number of online interactive tools, which are accessible to all sports. Meanwhile, World Curling shared how they financed education modules by offering online training courses for an enrolment fee to future umpires and ice technicians.

Deqa Niamkey said during the Forum: "After two years of pandemic, it was great to meet all the IF colleagues in person again at the Forum. We had insightful exchanges on the common challenges we have been facing. I am glad to see that more and more IFs are eager to work together on these important topics and I am looking forward to even more collaboration in the future."

Another important topic on the Forum’s agenda: how to optimise the support to National Federations (NFs). World Rugby introduced their benchmarking tool that has helped them to distribute funds to their member federations. The Badminton World Federation presented their targeted funding models driven by NF assessment data.

Representatives from Olympic Solidarity also joined in to give an update on their 2021-2024 Plan and the global development programmes. 

Organised annually, the Forum facilitates a united approach of a large number of IFs in the implementation of their projects in the fields of sustainability, education and development. This allows efficiencies in terms of human and financial resources, ensures a certain consistency across the sports and thereby maximises the impact of the related IF activities overall.

To learn more about ASOIF.com, click HERE.